
BiodiversiTea – die NFDI4Biodiversity Coffee Lecture #11

Organisation: NFDI4Biodiversity

The online format BiodiversiTea offers a forum for presenting and discussing work, projects, tools and topics from and around the NFDI4Biodiversity community. Once a month, we meet online for an hour - for exciting presentations and lively discussions over a cup of tea (or coffee). The session is open to anyone who would like to find out about and discuss current developments and topics relating to biodiversity data. Membership of NFDI4Biodiversity is not necessary.

Topic in March 2025
Towards the NFDI4Biodiversity Knowledge Graph: Trait Data as a Use Case

Naouel Karam (InfAI – Institute for Applied Informatics e.V.)

That's what it is about
In her talk, Naouel Karam presents the approach developed in NFDI4Biodiversity to represent and connect trait data from the Plant Trait Database TRY ( and ecological data from PANGAEA ( within the NFDI4Biodiversity Knowledge Graph. She will demonstrate how ontologies from the terminology repository and service BiodivPortal ( are combined to create a semantic pipeline for transforming trait data into the Resource Description Framework (RDF), enabling interoperability and machine-readable biodiversity knowledge. Additionally, Naouel Karam will explore the role of large language models (LLMs) in two key aspects: schema mapping to facilitate data integration and natural language question answering over the Knowledge Graph.

The BiodiversiTea Talk on Youtube:

Questions & Feedback
The BiodiversiTea lives from your ideas! Would you like to get feedback, are you looking for collaborators, would you like to present the results of your work or would you like to discuss a topic in a larger group? Write to us at or via our helpdesk form and we will organise one of the upcoming lectures together.

Missed a session?
You can find recordings of our BiodiversiTeas in our YouTube-Playlist.

Join the session following the registration link:

The meeting will be opened shortly before the event starts.

11:00 - 12:00
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