Our Services
Around 50 partner institutions, among them scientific institutions, museums, natural history societies and state offices, pool their expertise and resources in NFDI4Biodiversity to provide users with a wide range of services for working with biodiversity and environmental data. The aim is to provide researchers and other users with tools and services that enrich and support them in the implementation of their projects – from creating data management plans and searching for data to archiving their own datasets.
Our planning tools support the handling of biodiversity, ecology and environmental data – structured, comprehensible and transparent.
Our harmonisation tools empower you to curate your data and use consistent terminologies – therefore ensuring that data can be used collaboratively.
Accessing & Archiving
Our services for Access & Archival support you in storing, archiving, retrieving and/or reusing data.
Discovering & Exploring
Our services for the discovery and exploration of data help you to make sure your data sets are accessible and reusable in the long run.
Processing & Visualizing
Our processing and visualization applications help you analyze or visually prepare your data.
Support & Training
Questions about using our tools and services or interested in an introduction to them? Check out our Support & Training offers.
Planning h3>
Friedrich Schiller University JenaRequirements
Web browser, Windows-based server (minimum requirements: 2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, 100 GB storage space)Area of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskBEXIS2 is an open source web application for data management of medium to large research projects with multiple subprojects and up to hundreds of users/researchers. Historically, the focus of software development has been on ecological data, but the system also supports data from other areas (e.g. biodiversity data, environmental data and even humanities data). A data object (dataset) in BEXIS2 consists of two parts: (1) metadata and (2) primary data. This means that in addition to observation data, appointments/conferences, publications or any other data can also be managed in BEXIS2. Furthermore, users do not have to adhere to an existing or standardised metadata structure, but can add their own or even several.
Friedrich Schiller University JenaRequirements
Web browserArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Support & TrainingLink
https://demo.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Demonstrator)
https://train.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Trainingsumgebung)Support
HelpdeskThe BEXIS2 Training Environment is an open source web application for data management for medium to large research projects. It supports ecological, biodiversity, environmental and humanities data. In addition to various training programmes, BEXIS2 can be tried out free of charge. A permanent demonstrator allows access without registration and is regularly updated. The system is used for learning and testing. Permanent storage of data is not possible due to regular resetting of (test) data.
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG), State Natural Science Collections of Bavaria/SNSB IT Centre, German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
/Area of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingSupport
HelpdeskThe DWB Virtual Training Environment instances at GWDG provide free remote access to Diversity Workbench (DWB) clients and SQL database software. The access is organized for single users by NFDI authentication with DWB authorization. The instances include test data from research projects and provide access to terminologies and taxonomies. Data exchange with external resources is possible. The parent instance at SNSB and the child instances at GWDG are regularly technically updated (SaaS).
German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
None; account is required for personal supportArea of application
HelpdeskThe GFBio Data Management Planning Service consists of a self-service tool and optional individual support to generate data management plans (DMPs) for biodiversity-related projects. The tool is structured according to the categories (1) General Project Information, (2) Data Collection, (3) Documentation and Metadata, (4) Ethics and Legal Compliance and (5) Preservation and Sharing. Based on the input, a data management plan will be developed with personal support from our DMP officer.
German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskThe GFBio Portal is the central point of contact for data and associated services along the data life cycle provided by the German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio e.V.) in Bremen. Researchers will find access to data from ten relevant data centers as well as proven services and advice for data management plans, data analysis, publication and archiving. The GFBio Wiki and various self-learning materials from the GFBio roadshows impart knowledge on all aspects of biological, ecological and environmental data.
Harmonizing h3>
Friedrich Schiller University JenaRequirements
Web browser, Windows-based server (minimum requirements: 2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, 100 GB storage space)Area of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskBEXIS2 is an open source web application for data management of medium to large research projects with multiple subprojects and up to hundreds of users/researchers. Historically, the focus of software development has been on ecological data, but the system also supports data from other areas (e.g. biodiversity data, environmental data and even humanities data). A data object (dataset) in BEXIS2 consists of two parts: (1) metadata and (2) primary data. This means that in addition to observation data, appointments/conferences, publications or any other data can also be managed in BEXIS2. Furthermore, users do not have to adhere to an existing or standardised metadata structure, but can add their own or even several.
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaVoraussetzungen
Planen, Harmonisieren, Verwenden & Archivieren, Entdecken & Erkunden, Support & TrainingLink
https://demo.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Demonstrator) https://train.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Trainingsumgebung)Support
HelpdeskThe BEXIS2 Training Environment is an open source web application for data management for medium to large research projects. It supports ecological, biodiversity, environmental and humanities data. In addition to various training programmes, BEXIS2 can be tried out free of charge. A permanent demonstrator allows access without registration and is regularly updated. The system is used for learning and testing. Permanent storage of data is not possible due to regular resetting of (test) data.
Free University of Berlin, Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinRequirements
Server with running Python and web server software; primary biodiversity data (observations, specimens) in relational database or Excel/CSV filesArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & ArchivingLink
HelpdeskThe BioCASe (Biological Collections Access Service) Provider Software is an XML data binding middleware for publishing data from a relational database to an information network according to the FAIR principles. After installing BioCASe and configuring it for a given database, the published information will be accessible as a BioCASe web service, which means it can be retrieved with BioCASe protocol requests. Even though BioCASe can be used for any conceptual XML data schema, its main field of application is the publication of occurrence data from specimen or observational databases to primary biodiversity information networks such as the BioCASe network and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, using the ABCD data standard.
Institut für Angewandte Informatik (InfAI) e.V.Requirements
Web browser, user account for APIArea of application
HelpdeskThe BiodivPortal is a terminology service that facilitates the management and accessibility of terminologies in the field of biodiversity. It offers a range of functions, including searching terminologies, searching for terms, text annotations and mappings between terminologies. Users can search, use and contribute to terminologies and search for standardised terms and vocabularies to annotate their data. In addition, other services, such as the GFBio portal search, can access BiodivPortal via the API.
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZRequirements
Web browser, mobile device (IOS, Android)Area of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingLink
BioMe project website
Monitoring of butterflies in Germany (web application based on BioMe, also available as an app for IOS/Android)
FLOW web application (based on BioME)Support
HelpdeskBioMe is an open-source project to provide a universal, modular application framework and infrastructure that serves as a ‘toolkit’ for biodiversity projects. The aim is to enable the provision of a flexible and scalable platform that is specifically tailored to the requirements of biodiversity research and monitoring. The focus here is on data integration and synthesis: it offers tools for recording, integrating and merging biodiversity data. The core components are a web app and mobile app, database infrastructure, object storage and an IDP (Identity Provider) solution.
Alfred Wegener Institute - AWI
Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity - HIFMBRequirements
Web browserArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingLink
HelpdeskCRITTERBASE is a continuously growing data repository that enables marine ecologists worldwide to work with readily available, high-quality, high-resolution data. It provides decision-makers and the interested public with information on marine communities and biodiversity. It will also help to preserve our data heritage so that it is available for future generations.
Free University of Berlin, Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinRequirements
NoneArea of application
Harmonizing, Processing & VisualizingLink
HelpdeskThe Data Transformation Service is a web-based service for transforming biodiversity-related data between different community formats such as ABCD (Access to Biological Collections Data), CDM Light (Common Data Model) and PANGAEA PanSimple. Currently, a transformation from ABCD to the formats PANGAEA PanSimple, HTML Landing Page and DarwinCore Archive is supported as well as from CDM Light to PANGAEA PanSimple.
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG), State Natural Science Collections of Bavaria/SNSB IT Centre, German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingSupport
HelpdeskThe DWB Virtual Training Environment instances at GWDG provide free remote access to Diversity Workbench (DWB) clients and SQL database software. The access is organized for single users by NFDI authentication with DWB authorization. The instances include test data from research projects and provide access to terminologies and taxonomies. Data exchange with external resources is possible. The parent instance at SNSB and the child instances at GWDG are regularly technically updated (SaaS).
German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & ArchivingLink
HelpdeskThe GFBio Data Submission Service enables the submission of (heterogeneous) biological, ecological and environmental datasets for archiving in a federated network of data centers. The datasets are reviewed and curated by subject matter experts from the respective GFBio Data Center. The curated datasets are then archived long-term and published with a persistent identifier (e.g. DOI, Accession numbers). Heterogeneous data can be archived and published in two or more data centers and are then linked to each other via their persistent identifiers.
German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskThe GFBio Portal is the central point of contact for data and associated services along the data life cycle provided by the German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio e.V.) in Bremen. Researchers will find access to data from ten relevant data centers as well as proven services and advice for data management plans, data analysis, publication and archiving. The GFBio Wiki and various self-learning materials from the GFBio roadshows impart knowledge on all aspects of biological, ecological and environmental data.
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinRequirements
Web browser; a GBIF account is required for downloadsArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, , Processing & VisualizingSupport
HelpdeskThe Lebendige Atlas der Natur Deutschlands (LAND) is a national biodiversity portal that provides species occurrence data in Germany to researchers, conservation authorities and the general public. The portal is hosted by <a id="a1”> Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and integrates species occurrence data from different open sources, including monitoring schemes, citizen science, natural history societies, museums and universities.The datasets are continuously improved in collaboration with the community.
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gGmbH - HITSRequirements
NoneArea of application
Harmonizing, Discovering & ExploringSupport
HelpdeskRightField is a tool that makes it possible to annotate table data directly in Microsoft Excel with standardised ontology terms. It also facilitates the addition of structured metadata to improve data interoperability. Embedding ontology terms in table cells ensures that datasets adhere to consistent terminology across different research areas. The integration of open access ontologies also ensures data quality and consistency.
Access & Archive h3>
Justus Liebig University Giessen - JLURequirements
Web browser; Life Science or GFBio user accountArea of application
Accessing & ArchivingSupport
HelpdeskAruna enables seamless data orchestration across multiple locations, supports metadata enrichment, FAIR principles and S3-compatible sharing. It allows easy integration of existing storage and ensures secure, encrypted data management for sensitive information.
Friedrich Schiller University JenaRequirements
Web browser, Windows-based server (minimum requirements: 2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, 100 GB storage space)Area of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskBEXIS2 is an open source web application for data management of medium to large research projects with multiple subprojects and up to hundreds of users/researchers. Historically, the focus of software development has been on ecological data, but the system also supports data from other areas (e.g. biodiversity data, environmental data and even humanities data). A data object (dataset) in BEXIS2 consists of two parts: (1) metadata and (2) primary data. This means that in addition to observation data, appointments/conferences, publications or any other data can also be managed in BEXIS2. Furthermore, users do not have to adhere to an existing or standardised metadata structure, but can add their own or even several.
Friedrich Schiller University JenaRequirements
Web browserArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Support & TrainingLink
https://demo.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Demonstrator)
https://train.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Trainingsumgebung)Support
HelpdeskThe BEXIS2 Training Environment is an open source web application for data management for medium to large research projects. It supports ecological, biodiversity, environmental and humanities data. In addition to various training programmes, BEXIS2 can be tried out free of charge. A permanent demonstrator allows access without registration and is regularly updated. The system is used for learning and testing. Permanent storage of data is not possible due to regular resetting of (test) data.
Free University of Berlin, Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinRequirements
Server with running Python and web server software; primary biodiversity data (observations, specimens) in relational database or Excel/CSV filesArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & ArchivingLink
HelpdeskThe BioCASe (Biological Collections Access Service) Provider Software is an XML data binding middleware for publishing data from a relational database to an information network according to the FAIR principles. After installing BioCASe and configuring it for a given database, the published information will be accessible as a BioCASe web service, which means it can be retrieved with BioCASe protocol requests. Even though BioCASe can be used for any conceptual XML data schema, its main field of application is the publication of occurrence data from specimen or observational databases to primary biodiversity information networks such as the BioCASe network and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, using the ABCD data standard.
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZRequirements
Web browser, mobile device (IOS, Android)Area of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingLink
BioMe project website
Monitoring of butterflies in Germany (web application based on BioMe, also available as an app for IOS/Android)
FLOW web application (based on BioME)Support
HelpdeskBioMe is an open-source project to provide a universal, modular application framework and infrastructure that serves as a ‘toolkit’ for biodiversity projects. The aim is to enable the provision of a flexible and scalable platform that is specifically tailored to the requirements of biodiversity research and monitoring. The focus here is on data integration and synthesis: it offers tools for recording, integrating and merging biodiversity data. The core components are a web app and mobile app, database infrastructure, object storage and an IDP (Identity Provider) solution.
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Red List CentreRequirements
Web browserArea of application
/Accesing& ArchivingLink
HelpdeskThe Checklist API offers RESTful services to obtain taxonomic information on taxa from the Red List Centre's checklists. In addition, concept and synonymy relationships between taxa from different lists can be retrieved.
Alfred Wegener Institute - AWI
Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity - HIFMBRequirements
Web browserArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingLink
HelpdeskCRITTERBASE is a continuously growing data repository that enables marine ecologists worldwide to work with readily available, high-quality, high-resolution data. It provides decision-makers and the interested public with information on marine communities and biodiversity. It will also help to preserve our data heritage so that it is available for future generations.
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG), State Natural Science Collections of Bavaria/SNSB IT Centre, German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingSupport
HelpdeskThe DWB Virtual Training Environment instances at GWDG provide free remote access to Diversity Workbench (DWB) clients and SQL database software. The access is organized for single users by NFDI authentication with DWB authorization. The instances include test data from research projects and provide access to terminologies and taxonomies. Data exchange with external resources is possible. The parent instance at SNSB and the child instances at GWDG are regularly technically updated (SaaS).
German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & ArchivingLink
HelpdeskThe GFBio Data Submission Service enables the submission of (heterogeneous) biological, ecological and environmental datasets for archiving in a federated network of data centers. The datasets are reviewed and curated by subject matter experts from the respective GFBio Data Center. The curated datasets are then archived long-term and published with a persistent identifier (e.g. DOI, Accession numbers). Heterogeneous data can be archived and published in two or more data centers and are then linked to each other via their persistent identifiers.
German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskThe GFBio Portal is the central point of contact for data and associated services along the data life cycle provided by the German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio e.V.) in Bremen. Researchers will find access to data from ten relevant data centers as well as proven services and advice for data management plans, data analysis, publication and archiving. The GFBio Wiki and various self-learning materials from the GFBio roadshows impart knowledge on all aspects of biological, ecological and environmental data.
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinRequirements
Web browser; a GBIF account is required for downloadsArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingSupport
HelpdeskThe Lebendige Atlas der Natur Deutschlands (LAND) is a national biodiversity portal that provides species occurrence data in Germany to researchers, conservation authorities and the general public. The portal is hosted by <a id="a1”> Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and integrates species occurrence data from different open sources, including monitoring schemes, citizen science, natural history societies, museums and universities.The datasets are continuously improved in collaboration with the community.
Discover & Explore h3>
Friedrich Schiller University JenaRequirements
Web browser, Windows-based server (minimum requirements: 2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, 100 GB storage space)Area of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskBEXIS2 is an open source web application for data management of medium to large research projects with multiple subprojects and up to hundreds of users/researchers. Historically, the focus of software development has been on ecological data, but the system also supports data from other areas (e.g. biodiversity data, environmental data and even humanities data). A data object (dataset) in BEXIS2 consists of two parts: (1) metadata and (2) primary data. This means that in addition to observation data, appointments/conferences, publications or any other data can also be managed in BEXIS2. Furthermore, users do not have to adhere to an existing or standardised metadata structure, but can add their own or even several.
Friedrich Schiller University JenaRequirements
Web browserArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Support & TrainingLink
https://demo.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Demonstrator)
https://train.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Trainingsumgebung)Support
HelpdeskThe BEXIS2 Training Environment is an open source web application for data management for medium to large research projects. It supports ecological, biodiversity, environmental and humanities data. In addition to various training programmes, BEXIS2 can be tried out free of charge. A permanent demonstrator allows access without registration and is regularly updated. The system is used for learning and testing. Permanent storage of data is not possible due to regular resetting of (test) data.
BIBI/University of BielefeldRequirements
LS login; BIIGLE accountArea of application
Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingLink
BIIGLE is a web-based software for image and video annotation that enables collaborative research on large datasets. It offers tools for manual and computer-assisted annotation, quality control and the collaboration on custom taxonomies to describe objects. BIIGLE is freely available and can be installed in cloud environments, a local network or on mobile platforms during research expeditions. The public instance on biigle.de is free for non-commercial use. -
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZRequirements
Web browser, mobile device (IOS, Android)Area of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing,Link
BioMe project website
Monitoring of butterflies in Germany (web application based on BioMe, also available as an app for IOS/Android)
FLOW web application (based on BioME)Support
HelpdeskBioMe is an open-source project to provide a universal, modular application framework and infrastructure that serves as a ‘toolkit’ for biodiversity projects. The aim is to enable the provision of a flexible and scalable platform that is specifically tailored to the requirements of biodiversity research and monitoring. The focus here is on data integration and synthesis: it offers tools for recording, integrating and merging biodiversity data. The core components are a web app and mobile app, database infrastructure, object storage and an IDP (Identity Provider) solution.
Alfred Wegener Institute - AWI
Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity - HIFMBRequirements
Web browserArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingLink
HelpdeskCRITTERBASE is a continuously growing data repository that enables marine ecologists worldwide to work with readily available, high-quality, high-resolution data. It provides decision-makers and the interested public with information on marine communities and biodiversity. It will also help to preserve our data heritage so that it is available for future generations.
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG), State Natural Science Collections of Bavaria/SNSB IT Centre, German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingSupport
HelpdeskThe DWB Virtual Training Environment instances at GWDG provide free remote access to Diversity Workbench (DWB) clients and SQL database software. The access is organized for single users by NFDI authentication with DWB authorization. The instances include test data from research projects and provide access to terminologies and taxonomies. Data exchange with external resources is possible. The parent instance at SNSB and the child instances at GWDG are regularly technically updated (SaaS).
German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskThe GFBio Portal is the central point of contact for data and associated services along the data life cycle provided by the German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio e.V.) in Bremen. Researchers will find access to data from ten relevant data centers as well as proven services and advice for data management plans, data analysis, publication and archiving. The GFBio Wiki and various self-learning materials from the GFBio roadshows impart knowledge on all aspects of biological, ecological and environmental data.
German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Discovering & ExploringSupport
HelpdeskGFBio Data Search allows you to search for datasets archived and published in the GFBio data centers. Data from a total of seven collection data centers and three domain-specific repositories can be searched for biological, ecological and environmental data. Data submitted, archived and published via the GFBio Data Submission Service can also be found via the Data Search.
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinRequirements
Web browser; a GBIF account is required for downloadsArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingSupport
HelpdeskThe Lebendige Atlas der Natur Deutschlands (LAND) is a national biodiversity portal that provides species occurrence data in Germany to researchers, conservation authorities and the general public. The portal is hosted by <a id="a1”>Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and integrates species occurrence data from different open sources, including monitoring schemes, citizen science, natural history societies, museums and universities.The datasets are continuously improved in collaboration with the community.
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies gGmbH - HITSRequirements
NoneArea of application
Harmonizing, Discovering & ExploringSupport
HelpdeskRightField is a tool that makes it possible to annotate table data directly in Microsoft Excel with standardised ontology terms. It also facilitates the addition of structured metadata to improve data interoperability. Embedding ontology terms in table cells ensures that datasets adhere to consistent terminology across different research areas. The integration of open access ontologies also ensures data quality and consistency.
Processing & Visualizing h3>
Friedrich Schiller University JenaRequirements
Web browser, Windows-based server (minimum requirements: 2 CPUs, 4 GB RAM, 100 GB storage space)Area of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskBEXIS2 is an open source web application for data management of medium to large research projects with multiple subprojects and up to hundreds of users/researchers. Historically, the focus of software development has been on ecological data, but the system also supports data from other areas (e.g. biodiversity data, environmental data and even humanities data). A data object (dataset) in BEXIS2 consists of two parts: (1) metadata and (2) primary data. This means that in addition to observation data, appointments/conferences, publications or any other data can also be managed in BEXIS2. Furthermore, users do not have to adhere to an existing or standardised metadata structure, but can add their own or even several.
Friedrich Schiller University JenaRequirements
Web browserArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Support & TrainingLink
https://demo.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Demonstrator)
https://train.bexis2.uni-jena.de (Trainingsumgebung)Support
HelpdeskThe BEXIS2 Training Environment is an open source web application for data management for medium to large research projects. It supports ecological, biodiversity, environmental and humanities data. In addition to various training programmes, BEXIS2 can be tried out free of charge. A permanent demonstrator allows access without registration and is regularly updated. The system is used for learning and testing. Permanent storage of data is not possible due to regular resetting of (test) data.
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZRequirements
Web browser, mobile device (IOS, Android)Area of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingLink
BioMe project website
Monitoring of butterflies in Germany (web application based on BioMe, also available as an app for IOS/Android)
FLOW web application (based on BioME)Support
HelpdeskBioMe is an open-source project to provide a universal, modular application framework and infrastructure that serves as a ‘toolkit’ for biodiversity projects. The aim is to enable the provision of a flexible and scalable platform that is specifically tailored to the requirements of biodiversity research and monitoring. The focus here is on data integration and synthesis: it offers tools for recording, integrating and merging biodiversity data. The core components are a web app and mobile app, database infrastructure, object storage and an IDP (Identity Provider) solution.
Alfred Wegener Institute - AWI
Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity - HIFMBRequirements
Web browserArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & VisualizingLink
HelpdeskCRITTERBASE is a continuously growing data repository that enables marine ecologists worldwide to work with readily available, high-quality, high-resolution data. It provides decision-makers and the interested public with information on marine communities and biodiversity. It will also help to preserve our data heritage so that it is available for future generations.
Free University of Berlin, Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinRequirements
NoneArea of application
Harmonizing, Processing & VisualizingLink
HelpdeskThe Data Transformation Service is a web-based service for transforming biodiversity-related data between different community formats such as ABCD (Access to Biological Collections Data), CDM Light (Common Data Model) and PANGAEA PanSimple. Currently, a transformation from ABCD to the formats PANGAEA PanSimple, HTML Landing Page and DarwinCore Archive is supported as well as from CDM Light to PANGAEA PanSimple.
Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG), State Natural Science Collections of Bavaria/SNSB IT Centre, German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingSupport
HelpdeskThe DWB Virtual Training Environment instances at GWDG provide free remote access to Diversity Workbench (DWB) clients and SQL database software. The access is organized for single users by NFDI authentication with DWB authorization. The instances include test data from research projects and provide access to terminologies and taxonomies. Data exchange with external resources is possible. The parent instance at SNSB and the child instances at GWDG are regularly technically updated (SaaS).
German Federation for Biological DataRequirements
NoneArea of application
Planning, Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingLink
HelpdeskThe GFBio Portal is the central point of contact for data and associated services along the data life cycle provided by the German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio e.V.) in Bremen. Researchers will find access to data from ten relevant data centers as well as proven services and advice for data management plans, data analysis, publication and archiving. The GFBio Wiki and various self-learning materials from the GFBio roadshows impart knowledge on all aspects of biological, ecological and environmental data.
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum BerlinRequirements
Web browser; a GBIF account is required for downloadsArea of application
Harmonizing, Accessing & Archiving, Discovering & Exploring, Processing & Visualizing, Support & TrainingSupport
HelpdeskThe Lebendige Atlas der Natur Deutschlands (LAND) is a national biodiversity portal that provides species occurrence data in Germany to researchers, conservation authorities and the general public. The portal is hosted by <a id="a1”>Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and integrates species occurrence data from different open sources, including monitoring schemes, citizen science, natural history societies, museums and universities.The datasets are continuously improved in collaboration with the community.
Philipps-University MarburgRequirements
Web browserArea of application
Processing & VisualizingSupport
HelpdeskThe VAT system is an interactive web tool for the visualisation, analysis and transformation of spatio-temporal data. It provides easy access to a curated catalogue of datasets. However, users can also upload their own datasets. The VAT allows data to be transformed and analysed using a variety of available operators and combinations. To get an impression of the possibilities offered by the VAT system, the documentation of the system is available at https://docs.vat.gfbio.org.
Support & Training h3>
Our Helpdesk is our point of contact for all questions about research data management, the use of tools and services, as well as for enquiries about training and collaboration with NFDI4Biodiversity.
The helpdesk team will forward your request to the respective experts of the NFDI4Biodiversity and German Federation for Biological Data (GFBio) network.
The Knowledge Base offers public access to information and resources regarding the NFDI4Biodiversity infrastructure and services, data centers and project opportunities, such as funding calls. The resources are also including FAQs and How-To articles around data management for biodiversity related data and services offered in the NFDI4Biodiversity catalog. Content is organised according to topic and the NFDI4Biodiversity-Personas.
Our partner institutions offer (partly regularly, partly on request) training on the use of their tools and services for working with biodiversity, ecology and environmental data.
Services Report 2023
For an overview of the Services 2021-2023 work, we recommend you read the "NFDI4Biodiversity Service Portfolio Report":
NFDI4Biodiversity Service Portfolio Report 2023 (Meister, Maria; Feser, Manuel; Steilen, Lena; König-Ries, Birgitta; Seeger, Bernhard; Ebert, Barbara & Glöckner, Frank Oliver), 2023. Zenodo, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8327366.