News | Jan. 7, 2025 | Pascal Scherreiks

New services and tools for working with data: Consortium expands offers for researchers and institutions

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From the data management software BEXIS2 to scalable data integration and synthesis with BioMe – ten additional services help to do exciting things with data. An overview of the new additions.

Around 50 partner institutions – among them scientific institutions, museums, natural history societies and state offices – are pooling their expertise in NFDI4Biodiversity to provide users with a wide range of services for working with biodiversity and environmental data. The aim is to offer researchers and other users a wide range of services that enrich and support them in the implementation of their projects – from creating a data management plan and data search to archiving their own datasets.

This offer has now been expanded again: with the BEXIS2 data management software, existing public data can be explored or new options for managing and publishing your own data can be used. in addition, a corresponding training environment is available for learning how to use the software correctly, for testing and with support.

For harmonizing data with community standards, the BiodivPortal serves as a hub for ontologies in biodiversity research, while CRITTERBASE provides a database of marine organisms. Additionally, the BioMe service offers a toolkit for scalable data integration and synthesis, specifically tailored for monitoring projects.

The Living Atlas of Nature in Germany (LAND) provides an overview of animal and plant occurrence data in Germany. The interactive service includes the option to download the data for further use, information on the origin of the data and many other functions.

For processing data across multiple locations, including metadata and FAIR standards, Aruna offers seamless data orchestration with options for encrypted management and integration of existing storage. Those who prefer a more compact solution should take a closer look at RightField. The tool allows Microsoft Excel tables to be annotated with ontology terms, enabling structured metadata to be linked directly to table data, making data more FAIR. In addition, the Checklist API service provides a connection to taxonomic information from the Red List Center's checklists, which can be integrated into programming environments.

The VAT system offers an interactive web tool for the visualization, analysis and transformation of spatio-temporal data. It enables access to curated data sets or the uploading of your own data.

In addition to these newly added services, all of which are developed and contributed by the partner institutions of the NFDI4Biodiversity network, the existing range of data management services is of course still available – from the creation of data management plans to the transformation of data within different community standards and support along the entire data lifecycle.

You can find an overview of all the consortium's services here.

Any questions? Our helpdesk team is available to provide advice and assistance on all matters relating to the management of biodiversity, ecology and environmental data. In addition, the Knowledge Base offers general information on research data management and everything related to biodiversity research. You can also find introductory workshops in our event calendar.

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Pascal Scherreiks
FSU Jena

Pascal Scherreiks is a biologist with a background in landscape ecological modeling. Since returning to his adopted home of Jena in 2022 as a research data manager, he has mainly been involved in teaching researchers how to properly work, store and publish research data. Since the beginning of 2024, he has been part of the NFDI4Biodiversity consortium, where he is dedicated to training and public relations, among other things. Privately, he shares his life with his wife and two children, reads a lot and enjoys handicrafts.


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