New online format BiodiversiTea – a space for exchanging ideas and project news

Most of us already have more than enough online meetings – what is often missing are open spaces with time for exchange, networking or the joint development of ideas. The new BiodiversiTea format aims to fill that gap: From April, Judith Engel and Kristin Sauerland – cross-community coordinators in NFDI4Biodiversity – will be inviting people to monthly online meetings.
While the two form the organizational framework, the format is open to input from the community in terms of content: "Regardless of whether someone is looking for fellow campaigners for a sub-project, would like to get feedback or would like to report on news from or about the project – BiodiversiTea thrives on the ideas of the participants," say the initiators. The name BiodiversiTea underlines the deliberately relaxed character of the meetings: It is not necessary to register in advance; anyone who has the time and inclination can join spontaneously – with a cup of tea (or coffee).
The first edition will take place on April 16, 11 a.m. to 12 noon. Elisabeth Hüllbusch from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and Anton Güntsch from the Botanical Garden Berlin will present a new interface established in NFDI4Biodiversity, which enables the retrieval of taxa and concept relationships from the BfN checklist system. Further information can be found on the event page.
The format will then take place every third Tuesday of the month from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. via Zoom. You can find a preview of the topics for the upcoming dates in our events.
All interested parties are invited; membership of NFDI4Biodiversity is not a prerequisite.
Questions or suggestions about the format? Write to Judith Engel and Kristin Sauerland via our helpdesk.