BiodiversiTea – die NFDI4Biodiversity Coffee Lecture #1
Organisation: NFDI4Biodiversity
Our new exchange format BiodiversiTea offers a forum for presenting and discussing work, projects, tools and topics from and around the NFDI4Biodiversity community. Once a month, we would like to meet online for an hour – for exciting presentations and a lively exchange over a cup of tea (or coffee). The group is open to anyone who is interested in learning about and exchanging information on current developments and topics relating to biodiversity data. Being a member of NFDI4Biodiversity is not necessary.
Topic in April 2024
API for querying taxa and concept relationships from the checklist system of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) - a cooperation between NFDI4Biodiversity and BfN
Elisabeth Hüllbusch, Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)
Anton Güntsch, Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin
Biodiversity data usually refer to scientific names, but these are often used in different taxonomic scopes - and are therefore not unique. It is therefore necessary to relate scientific names to a defined taxonomic scope or a specific taxon (so-called annotation). The prerequisite for this is that taxa data is available in the form of a semantic network that contains the relationships between the various taxa and concepts. The "Checklists (CL) System" of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation already serves as an essential tool for recording and managing plant and animal data in Germany. It contains nationally coordinated checklists for over 80 species groups. Concept relationships between taxa in two checklists indicate how the taxon concepts relate to each other. BfN and NFDI4Biodiversity have jointly developed the public web interface "CL-API", which allows a search for names or taxa in the CL system and a query of the concept relationships between them. In this way, possible taxonomic concepts can be displayed for a name and, if necessary, the appropriate concept can be selected and referenced. The technological advancement thus enables direct and uncomplicated access to the data and improves interoperability with other research services. At BiodiversiTea, the speakers will present the API.
Further information
Article in the NFDI4Biodiversity newsblog
Questions & ideas for upcoming sessions
The BiodiversiTea lives from your ideas! Would you like to get feedback, are you looking for fellow campaigners, would you like to present the results of your work or would you like to discuss a topic in a larger group? Write to us at or via our helpdesk form and we will organize one of the upcoming lectures together.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our helpdesk, too.
Join BiodiversiTea
The meeting will open shortly before the start of the event.
Meeting-ID: 695 7025 3689
Kenncode: 384887