Podcast "Rechtsdschungel": How do I licence my data? And how do I use the licenced data of others?
Episode two of the podcast explains to listeners how they can protect their data and to what extent they are allowed to reuse the data of others. The episode is hosted by Ortrun Brand and Daniel Tschink from the NFDI4Biodiversity training team, with legal expert Tom Witschas as a guest.
Rechtsdschungel (Legal jungle) – that's the name of the NFDI4Biodiversity podcast on legal issues relating to biodiversity and environmental data. Because those active in the consortium know how challenging it can be to find your way through the maze of legal provisions and obligations.
Part two is about data licences and licensing your own data. The episode is aimed in particular at data managers and researchers who have ever wondered how they can protect their data from the fields of biodiversity, ecology and environmental sciences or to what extent they are allowed to reuse the data of others. All of this is regulated by the licence, which podcast hosts Ortrun Brand and Daniel Tschink take a closer look at together with legal expert Tom Witschas from the Independent Institute for Environmental Issues (UfU).