News | Feb. 7, 2024 | Katharina Frohne

NFDI4Biodiversity training team announces funding for the development of teaching materials and formats


Exciting offer for all members of the NFDI4Biodiversity community: A training fund provides financial support for innovative and/or interactive teaching formats or materials for the fields of biodiversity research, data science or data management.

What can be funded?
Training materials such as Open Educational Resources (OERs), tools, training datasets and courses that are specifically tailored to the needs of the biodiversity community.

Who can apply?
All researchers associated or collaborating with a partner organization of the NFDI4Biodiversity consortium.

When does the application deadline end?
In June of this year. Applications can be submitted at any time until then. The project duration itself should not exceed six months.

You can find all the details about the call for entries here.

Questions about the tender can be directed to our helpdesk.

See call for entries
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Katharina Frohne

Katharina coordinates the PR activities in NFDI4Biodiversity and takes care of this website and the consortium's social media channels. Before joining the project in 2021, she worked as a journalist and wrote about science, culture and society. Professionally, she is passionate about explaining complex topics and contexts in an understandable way; privately, she enjoys being out in nature with her dog, painting and photography.


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