News | Aug. 20, 2024 | Marthe I. Eisner

Renewal proposal submitted


It's a wrap! The work program for the second funding phase from 2025 has been finalized – with five task areas, 20 measures and many new partner institutions. Our thanks go to all co-authors for their great commitment and trust in the project.

In early August, the time had come: after five intensive months of preparation, the application for the second funding phase was submitted. An important milestone in the development of the consortium, which will continue to grow in the future: 13 new institutions are joining the network and will enrich it with their expertise and resources – including important partners such as the National Monitoring Center for Biodiversity (NMZB) and the newly founded National Center for Environmental and Nature Conservation Information of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA).


The submitted proposal presents a comprehensive work program divided into five Task Areas and 20 Measures. This structure reflects the strategic direction of the consortium, which is focused on tackling both the technical and substantive challenges of biodiversity data infrastructure. “The sponsors have formulated clear expectations for the second phase, to which we are committed,” emphasizes Frank Oliver Glöckner, spokesperson for NFDI4Biodiversity.

He and Barbara Ebert, deputy spokesperson of the consortium, are delighted about the broad participation in the writing process: “More than 20 experts from different institutions have contributed to comprehensively address the diverse requirements and challenges in the provision of reliable data, to build on what has already been achieved and to tackle new challenges. 


Whether the consortium can continue its work will be decided in the summer of 2025 when the Joint Science Conference (GWK) gives its vote. Prior to this, the proposal will be presented to the DFG's NFDI expert panel on November 20, 2024. Until then, the NFDI4Biodiversity team's work remains exciting and intensive.

The project coordination would like to thank all those involved for their great commitment and their trust in the joint work!

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Marthe I. Eisner

Marthe serves as a Communications Manager at the Göttingen State and University Library (SUB Göttingen) and has been supporting the development of the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) since 2020. As part of the NFDI4Biodiversity consortium, she focuses on the dissemination of relevant project information, develops new communication formats in a dedicated team and conducts public relations work. Marthe shares her private life with two children and a tortoise.


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