Contact form
What is the helpdesk?
Our helpdesk is our point of contact for all kinds of questions – be it requests you would like to address to the NFDI4Biodiversity coordination team, technical questions on the management of biodiversity, ecology or environmental data, questions on the use of our tools and services or something completely different. Even if you are unsure whether you have come to the right place, please do not hesitate to send us a message.
Who can contact us?
Everyone. Whether you are a researcher, student, citizen scientist or other (data) interested person – we look forward to hearing from you. You can write to us in either German or English.
Who will answer the questions?
The questions are received by our helpdesk team consisting of biologists, data stewards and computer scientists. In many cases, they can already help you. If necessary, they will forward the questions to a suitable expert from the NFDI4Biodiversity network.