19th International Digital Curation Conference
Organisation: Digital Curation Centre (DCC)
Twenty years back, twenty years forward: lessons and directions in digital curation
is the main theme of the DCC's 2025 conference (IDCC25), looking back at 20 years of Digital Data Curation work and repeating the theme from 2015's IDCC with a grander scope into the future.
Over 125 contributions from all over the world make up the programme, ranging from topics on Education and Training, Systems and Services in Deployment, and Sustainability to National Perspectives, Curation Infrastructure and many more.
On the first day, workshops will be organized on how to embed sensitive data management best practices into workflows, how to build a CoreTrustSeal community and how to future-proof data management, to just name a few.
The keynote will be held by Marta Teperek, the programme leader for FAIR Data at Open Science NL to start off the conference days.
For more information, a comprehensive list of the in-person and virtual registration fees, and to register follow the event link in the side panel.

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