Growing together as a consortium, advancing important tasks together, using all hands (and heads) in the process: This year's NFDI4Biodiversity Annual Conference is called the All Hands Conference for a reason. We look forward to offering you – the members of the NFDI4Biodiversity partner network – three days of time for professional exchange, practical collaboration and stimulating conversations.
On this page you can find information about the schedule, program and registration. For questions, the organizing team can be reached at conference@gfbio.org.
Time & Location
The All Hands Conference will be held October 12-14, 2022, at the NH Hotels Berlin Mitte am Checkpoint Charlie, Leipziger Str. 106-111. A room contingent is reserved until August 12; afterwards, a part of the rooms will go back into free sale. We therefore recommend booking as soon as possible. For further information see Registration.
The event is intended as a joint working meeting and accordingly designed as a face-to-face conference for up to 120 people. Participation in all program items is only possible on site. People who cannot travel to the event or can only attend individual days can attend a large part of the formats online.
The link to the registration (presence/online) can be found on the event page in Confluence (see Links).
DAY 1 – OCTOBER 12, 2022
From 12 p.m.
Registration and lunch snack
1 p.m.
Welcome (Frank Oliver Glöckner)
1.15 p.m.
Warm-up: CO2 Compensation
1.30 – 3 p.m.
Task Area Reports I (TA1, TA2, TA3)
To start the conference, we will get an overview of the work in the project: Which topics, questions and challenges are the different task areas dealing with? What milestones can they look back on and what are they working towards? The leads of the TAs answer these questions in 15-minute presentations. Afterwards, there is time for three minutes of so-called murmuring: Quiet conversations with seat neighbours or online participants about impressions, comments and open questions. Questions of understanding can then be addressed to the large group (10 minutes). The need for discussion on content is deliberately collected for the following day. Suggestions for this can be submitted directly and easily via an online tool (use will be explained at the conference).
3 – 3.15 p.m.
3.15 – 4.15 p.m.
Task Area Reports II (TA4, TA5)
– see above –
4.15 – 4.45 p.m.
Coffee Break
4.45 – 5.30 p.m.
Poster Flashtalks
What topics do the various Measures deal with? This is illustrated by posters that can be visited from 5.30 pm. Staff members of the Measures will be available to answer questions. Beforehand, they will present their posters in short flash talks to give participants an overview.
5.30 – 7 p.m.
Poster Session
More information on poster submission and format is available in Confluence.
From 7 p.m.
Conference Dinner at NH Hotel Berlin-Mitte
DAY 2 – OCTOBER 13, 2022
8.30 a.m.
Keynote (tbd)
9.30 – 10.30 a.m.
Special Interest Group (SIG) Reports
Following the reports of the task areas, on day 2 the chairs of the SIGs report on priority topics, first milestones and upcoming work (15 minutes each).
Coffee Break
11 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
All Hands Discussion Forum
Let's talk about – everything! One of the big lessons of the SC retreat in Berlin was to have more cross-TA exchanges. The All Hands Discussion Forum offers 1.5 hours of opportunity for exactly that. The notes from the reports of Day 1 will serve as a starting point.
12.30 – 2 p.m.
Lunch Break
2 – 3.30 p.m.
Workshop Session I
The following four workshops will take place in parallel. The respective organisers have provided a detailed description of the contents, target groups and expected outputs in Confluence. (s. More).
- Unsere Services & Tools – Kategorisieren des Service-Portfolios [deutsch] (Manuel Feser, Maria Meister, Uwe Scholz)
Um das Spektrum unseres Service-Ökosystems zu erfassen, wurden Service-Profile erstellt, in denen zentrale Informationen abgefragt werden. Eine der Angaben ist dabei die Service-Kategorie, auf die in diesem Workshop genauer eingegangen werden soll, um das Monitoring zu erklären. Ziel ist es, die eigenen Services gemäß eines solchen Service-Profils abzubilden und die Services anderer NFDI4Biodiversity-Projektpartner kennenzulernen. (More) - Data Standards & Common Language [German; language may be changed to English for English-speaking guests] (Ivaylo Kostadinov, Lars Möller)
Der Workshop hat zum Ziel, die beiden priorisierten Kandidaten an Metadatenstandards für das Auffinden (bioschemas.org) und die Beschreibung/den Austausch von Inhalten von Biodiversitätsdaten (Beobachtungs- und Probendaten – ABCD) vorzustellen, und mit den Mitgliedern des Konsortiums und dazu geladenen Experten zu diskutieren. Decken sie z.B. die Bedarfe des Konsortiums ab oder gibt es Lücken? Welche wären das und wie ließen sie sich schließen? (More) - All-Hands-Workshop für ein nationales Biodiversitätsportal [German] (Thore Engel, Martin Friedrichs-Manthey)
Welche Anforderungen habt ihr an ein Biodiversitätsportal für Deutschland? In diesem Workshop, wollen wir dieser Frage auf den Grund gehen und unser Fachkonzept für das neue LAND (Lebendiger Atlas Natur Deutschland) Portal diskutieren. (More) - Create Your Own Data Manager [German] (Daniel Tschink)
Der Workshop dient dazu, die NFDI4Biodiversity-Projektidentität und das -angebot im Bereich Training and Education zu schärfen und zu fördern. Ziel ist es, Ideen für ein gemeinsames Produktportfolio zu sammeln und sich darüber auszutauschen. (More)
3.30 – 4 p.m.
Coffee break
4 p.m.
Departure towards the Botanical Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin (BGBM)
From 5 p.m.
Guided tours of the Botanical Garden and dinner at the Alter Krug Berlin Note: The GFBio e.V. invites all conference participants to a joint dinner (excluding all drinks except water); the meal is booked in advance and counts as part of the conference program. In case of non-participation, unfortunately, no refund is possible on the part of the restaurant. We therefore hope for your participation and look forward to a dinner together!
DAY 3 – OCTOBER 14, 2022
8.30 – 10 a.m.
Workshop Session II
The following four workshops will take place in parallel. The respective organisers have provided a detailed description of the contents, target groups and expected outputs in Confluence. (s. More).
- Registration & Validation of Services [German] (Birgit Klasen, Tanja Weibulat)
In diesem Workshop wird eine aktuelle Übersicht der seitens der Service Provider bereits verwendeten Registrierungs- und Zertifizierungsmöglichkeiten für Services erarbeitet. Außerdem soll ein Fahrplan zur zukünftigen Registrierung und Zertifizierung der Services erarbeitet werden. (More) - Lab, Experimental Design, Assay and Scientific Workflow Data Mobilisation [Englisch] (Jitendra Gaikwad, Birgitta König-Ries)
In NFDI4Biodiversity we aim to support all kinds of biodiversity relevant data. So far, though, we have little explicit support for lab, experimental design, assay and scientific workflow data. We would like to change that in the future. Do you create such data? Are you interested in (re-)using such data? Are you part of a datacenter that could potentially host such data? (More) - Taxa-Listen – Abgleich von Namen und Konzepten in Raum und Zeit [German] (Mark Frenzel, Anton Güntsch, Elisabeth Hüllbusch, Rudolf May)
Der Abgleich von Namen und Konzepten unterschiedlicher Taxa-Listen sowie die Zusammenführung der an den Taxa hängenden Attribute sind eine große Herausforderung. Im Rahmen des Workshops soll ein Verständnis für die anfallenden Probleme geschaffen werden. Außerdem sollen Lösungen diskutiert werden.(More) - Nationale Datenzentren – Aufgaben und Potenziale der Kooperation [German] (David Fichtmüller, Anton Güntsch)
In vielen Ländern werden derzeit nationale Biodiversitätsdaten-Infrastrukturen aufgebaut, die sich in ihren Zielen zum Teil erheblich unterscheiden. Im Workshop sollen die Aufgaben nationaler Datenzentren (auch in Abgrenzung von interntaionalen Dateninfratrukturen) umschrieben und das Potential der Kooperation zwischen nationalen Datenzentren ausgelotet werden. (More)
10 – 10.30 a.m.
Creativity needs space (Freiraum): This slot offers 30 minutes of free time – to deepen work from the previous workshops, to continue conversations or to get to know each other better.
Coffee Break
11 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.
Workshop Reports
12.30 – 1 p.m.
Closing Session
1 – 2 p.m.
Lunch Break
2 p.m.
End of the conference and departure
To register go to Confluence (intern). Deadline for participation is October 5, 2022.
If you're not a member of NFDI4Biodiversity but would like to attend the conference, please contact conference@gfbio.org.
The costs for arrival/departure and accommodation are borne by the conference visitors themselves. There are no costs for attending the conference itself.
Conference platform Let's Get Digital
The collaboration of participants on-site and online is supported by the conference platform Let's Get Digital which specialises in hybrid events and lively networking. Using the platform is easy and requires no prior knowledge. More information on the platform at Let's Get Digital.
Links & Downloads
Download Flyer (PNG)
Download Flyer (PDF, German)
Any questions left? The All Hands Conference is organised by Christiane Dörr (GFBio e.V.), Katharina Frohne (GFBio e.V.), Maria Meister (GFBio e.V.), Daniel Tschink (GFBio e.V.) and Judith Weber (University of Bremen); the team can be reached at conference@gfbio.org.